
Hey, Kevin 👋 I'm a Senior Product Designer. I've worked across a range of industries, from startups to enterprises.

My Work


UX/UI (E-Copmmerce & SaaS)
Your go-to for furniture and decor shopping. Discover curated selections to transform your home effortlessly.

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Transaction Manager

UX/UI (Real Esate & SaaS)
Simplifying real estate transactions with digital data management, promoting a paperless process for smooth buying and selling.

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UI & Branding (E-Commerce & SaaS)
Globie is an app that enables users to make affordable international calls, helping people stay connected with friends and family worldwide.

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UI (Real Estate & SaaS)
Elixir, the web-based app, is your all-in-one solution for property management, catering to realtors, agents, tenants, and more.

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My Skills

User-Centered Design

I design with users in mind, making sure products are not only functional but also enjoyable. My goal is to enhance the user experience by focusing on their needs and preferences.

Prototyping and Wireframing

I'm great at quickly turning ideas into prototypes and wireframes. These tools let me visualize concepts and test designs before fully developing them.

Visual Design Expertise

I have a keen eye for aesthetics and a solid grasp of visual design principles. My skills in typography, color theory, and layout ensure the final product is both functional and visually appealing.

Design Thinking

I use design thinking to tackle complex problems. By empathizing with users, defining issues, brainstorming solutions, prototyping, and testing, I create innovative and user-focused designs.

Collaborative Communication

I'm great at working with cross-functional teams, bridging the gap between design and development. My effective communication of design concepts ensures a cohesive and well-executed final product.

About me

Hi, I'm Kevin 👋

I'm a Senior Product Designer. As a child, I believed my crayon drawings could change the world; now, I design digital experiences that actually do!

In my most recent roles, I contributed to Real Estate companies by establishing Design Systems and Enhancing User Experience.

Fun Fact: In my free time, I'm a Techno DJ and music producer.
Check my lates release. ⬇️ Spotify & SoundCloud